Friday 20 March 2009

iTunes - music to our ears

The gold medal. A CBE. Perhaps the occasional Knight of the Garter. These treasures and trinkets all sit comfortably in the great pantheon of decoration. However, a new pretender to the crown marches on the collective sub conscious. "New and Notable" are two heavyweight words to be conjured with if you're in podcasting. And we are. The newest production bairn to the Wonkana stable is a really vibrant and highly listenable careers podcast known as "You're Hired".( ) It's the official podcast of Ethos Recruitment who have offices in Towcester and Daventry.

Julia Doherty, Director of Ethos and top Twitter user (try saying that after a yard of chateau neuf de pape!) works closely with us to deliver great content on all aspects of the job market. Julia hosts the podcast and interviews a fresh guest every month, whilst handing out great advice on topics like interview skills. The good people at iTunes have sat up and taken notice and "You're Hired" has just made it onto their "New and Notable" list at the top of the podcast store. Move over OBE, a new accolade is in town and Ethos and Wonkana have it.