Monday 14 July 2008

Exaggerate, me ?

Much as I loathe hyperbole, it has infected me. My affliction became apparent during the weekend after a chat with two aficionados of marketing, a subject not normally known for its linguistic restraint. Aussie Col was playing genial host to Lou and Pete of Secret Agent Marketing. Part of me hankers after a spot of work with them, if only because I'd have the right to be "Agent John" on their website, kingpin of international espionage and market segmentation. It's glamour personified. Rich in images of deep cover, reconnaissance and covert surveillance missions. Agent John - yes, I'll have a piece of that thank you very much.
There I go again. Exaggeration. It's rife. The "brilliant" Ronaldo, "genius" comic Alan Carr and the talented Jade Goody. Surely irony is permissible?
Lou's opinion is that you only heap superlatives on your company when a breadth of clients are able to validate your claims as The Best. I struggle to stay so restrained; must be my commercial radio upbringing. Everything's best, better, more, greatest and each song is surely the most wonderful known to man. My mission, handed down by the Secret Agents is to desist from the hyperbolic and stick to the facts. Perhaps they're double agents for Trading Standards.