Monday 9 June 2008

Back to school

You'd hardly consider Wellingborough to be a hub of trade and high finance. However, this morning's drive to the Innovation Centre turned that rather blinkered view on it's head. The industrious fellows at UCN's Enterprise Club have paired Wonkana with a business mentor.
Harry Brice , who has a hand in both the organisation of Kenyan safaris and security in the construction industry rattled off the merits of the business plan. Temptation ( as I recounted to Harry ) exists at every turn to overlook said plan and to formulate one in your own noggin or scribble nebulous notes on a lumious post-it.
No such slackness here.
Wonkana's been tasked with producing a business plan within a fortnight. That's my homework. In truth, I half expected Harry to shove some A4 under my nose and dictate an essay title containing the words "austerity", "garb" and "Coriolanus". Gladly for me, our mentor won't be uttering the time honoured words "pens down" until two weeks have passed. I finish with a note to self :
Never listen to podcasts you know can't come up to the standards of your own. No good will ever come of it.