Tuesday 3 June 2008

Let the podcasting begin !

Hi and welcome to the first edition of our regular blog,which will only supercede that usb fan for sheer functionality. A quick word about us for the uninitiated. Firstly, as leaders in audio and video podcasting, we needed a name to convey how creative, focused and semi Australian we are. " Wonkana ", for those who haven't made a bee line for their google search, is an Aboriginal word which means " Happy Hunting Ground "; which my fellow director Colin (who is Australian) and I thought perfectly summed up our aspirations to hunt down new clients, operate in an environmentally sustainable way and have a kickabout with a ball fashioned from possum hide ( okay, so the last one was poetic licence ).

In the last few months, our collaboration with Peter Sharkey, writer and journalist of some considerable repute has brought more Wonkana success with the Littlewoods Pokercast. It's a monthly audio podcast which homes in on the bourgening world of poker in all its glorious forms. There's star interviews, features, poker news and facts and some rather impressive production, even if we do say so ourselves !
Tell a friend they can find it at http://www.littlewoodspoker.com/poker-lounge/online-poker-podcast

More rather pleasant news from Podcastshire - this time Vodcasting. As ever, the development of new formats is something we're particularly keen on and have now brought a talented video producer on board to expand our range of services. For those who need a hiatus from the superpoking charms of Facebook, here's another link to distract you from the mundanities of the social networking.
What can I possibly say that you haven't already gathered for yourself ? Broadcast quality at non broadcast prices !
At present, an army of Wonkana writers and producers are locked down in the studio, producing a brand new podcast format for the health conscious, more of which next time. How fetching they look in the regulation orange boiler suits and leg irons. Enough of this frivolity; you need to get back to work and I must return to the serious business of podcasting for business. Did I mention that it's the emerging medium ? Thought so.